Pathfinder Article: Seven Financial Myths
One of the biggest obstacles that prevents someone from getting involved in their finances is the surplus of information that surrounds the complex world of finance and investing. Too much information can lead to “analysis paralysis,” where there are so many choices that it prevents you from taking action. When it comes down to it, everyone’s financial situation is different and the decisions you make should be based on your entire picture and not based on a rule of thumb. Read more for the seven myths that we commonly see when talking to folks about their finances.
Read MorePathfinder Article: Don’t Leave Your Money Behind: What to Do with Retirement Savings When Changing Employers
In today’s society, people are spending less time than ever at one employer, which means there are more decisions to be made about what to do with a retirement account due to a change in employers, and ultimately retirement.
Read MorePathfinder Article: Is This a Recession?
Are we in a recession? What technically is a recession? These two questions have gripped economists, academics, and politicians alike recently, leaving many investors to draw their own conclusions, feeling like a deer in the headlights.
Read MorePathfinder Article: Why Investing and Politics Don’t Mix
One of the most interesting things about the financial services industry is that we get to interact with a diverse group of individuals and we often get into the intimate details of their values, beliefs, and perspectives on money. In many cases, someone’s political views will come out during this process.
Read MorePathfinder Article: Avoiding Ca-TAX-trophies
It is the height of summer in the Cape Fear region and maybe the mere mention of “taxes” has you wanting to bury your head in a sandcastle. Tax “season” means different things to different people and tends to be one of those subjects that most people would rather not talk about after April 15th; but tax management is a year-long, life-long consideration. Unfortunately, many of us don’t realize this truth until we’re faced with an unexpected tax bill.
Read MorePathfinder Article: Behavioral Bias: How Your Feelings Could Harm Your Finances
For a typical investor, navigating the obstacle-course of information when choosing to buy or sell an investment can be potentially overwhelming, triggering shortcuts and biases that lead to irrational decisions and harmful financial errors. At Pathfinder, we want to make sure our clients can ride through periods of volatility without having to make untimely shifts based on emotion.
Read MorePathfinder Article: The ABCs of 529s
The school year has ended in New Hanover County and many recent high school graduates are getting excited about their fall plans, whether it’s attending a university, community college, or trade school. There are a lot of factors that go into planning for college, from finding the best cultural fit for you/your student to figuring out how to pay for it all. This article focuses on the financial aspects of planning.
Read MorePathfinder Article: Ready or Not: Here Comes a Recession?
Yes, a recession is coming. I can say with (almost) certainty that a recession is coming. But do I know when, how long, or how bad it will be? No.
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